Exciting New Features & New Plans!

Ubuntu 20.04: The most exciting new features by Jack Wallen in Software on April 21, 2020, 7:21 AM PST Ubuntu fans, it's that time of the year-the next release is upon us! So let’s dig in. Here are 12 of the most exciting new features coming to iOS 14. Apple isn’t a complete stranger to the idea, but the company has traditionally played it quite differently when it comes to implementing compared to the likes of Android and, yes, even Microsoft’s defunct Windows Phone/Mobile. While it will roughly follow the same style as its two predecessors, Assassin’s Creed Origins and Assassin’s Creed Odyssey, some exciting new features have already been revealed. The 6 Exciting New Java Features in Project Amber Perhaps the most cited reason for not using Java for development is that it’s too verbose. Developers complain that there’s too much boilerplate, and that no new features for Java developers have been released in a long time.

  1. Exciting New Features For Iphone
  2. Exciting New Features For Seniors
  3. Exciting New Features & New Plans Floor Plans
  4. Exciting New Features For Ipad

Proper Labs – New website/features announcement. ProperLabs’s inspiring new website announcement email template is a good example of how you can introduce a new website, brand, and features launch to your email subscribers.

Nightzookeeper.com 2.0: 10 Exciting New Features

With the launch of nightzookeeper.com 2.0, we are excited to announce a list of awesome new features for you to try out this school year!

1. Reading Light

This brand new feature enables students to track all of the books they are reading, throughout the school year. It is your replacement for the reading diary that students take home in their book bags. They can record how much time they have read throughout the week and write reviews of the books they have finished.

As a teacher, you can recommend books to your class, so it is very easy for students to add to them to their bookshelf. You can also review all of the reading your students are doing from within your dashboard.

Exciting New Features & New Plans!

2. Download lesson results

This very useful new feature enables you to download an excel spreadsheet detailing the lesson results from all of the activities you have sent to your class. These are perfect for you to store in your student assessment portfolios.

3. Student writing analytics

This results table is now available on your dashboard. As of the new school year, we’re now analysing all writing produced by your students and providing you with analytics on the specific features your students are using in their writing. This will help you to easily identify areas student could improve, such as adding paragraphs, or using more adverbs.

4. Student writing awards

These new student awards really help with writing engagement! We have produced leveled awards to continually push students on to show their skills in a variety of writing types across the website. There are a whole host of different awards including story writing awards, 1,000 word awards, commenting awards, and many more. Students can check the awards they win from the “Awards” icon on their main menu.

5. A new curriculum of writing challenges and quizzes

These new writing challenges are all focused on helping to improve the spelling, grammar and vocabulary of students. They are all automatically assessed by our smart algorithm, so you don’t have to moderate any of the writing that students produce. Simply check in on their performance on your dashboard results table.

6. New-look Class Blogs

Your new class blog enables you to filter all of the content produced by students. You can sort by the lessons completed by students and even search for specific assignment titles. When signed in as a teacher, you are now able to publish articles directly from the class blog.

7. Google Classroom integration

We’ve now made it really easy for you to create an account on nightzookeeper.com, with Google Classroom single sign-on. If you are part of a Google Classroom school, then you can sync up with any class you’ve previously set up, and students will simply be able to log in using their Google account credentials.

Exciting New Features For Iphone

8. Commenting database and annotation tool

Our new annotation tool makes it really easy for you to give fast and effective feedback to students. We have also produced a database of suggested comments that you can either edit or send to your students with one click.

9. Teacher badges and Night Zookeeper Certification

We can’t let the kids have all the fun. That’s why we’ve created awards for teachers too! These badges are available to view on your dashboard and will appear in your account as you work through the different actions within the teacher account, such as publishing words, sending comments and creating new lessons.

10. Reward Orbs to students for positive behaviour

The all new classroom page has introduced some very cool new features, such as rewarding orbs to students as they display great effort in the classroom. This could be for work directly related to Night Zookeeper, or something more general such as working hard at ‘tidy up time’ or listening to instructions well. This tool can be a great motivator for students, gamifying the classroom environment.

As you can see, we have been working very hard this summer to make huge improvements to nightzookeeper.com. We do hope that you enjoy using the above features with your class in the coming weeks and months. Do also look out for tutorial videos for each of the above features, as we start a series of blog posts to help you get the most out of Night Zookeeper 2.0.

Here’s to a wonderful year of writing and reading in 2018/19!

Night Zookeeper Paul

Extra Reading:

Exciting New Features For Seniors

Check out this Basic Teacher Guide for nightzookeeper.com.

Exciting New Features & New Plans Floor Plans

Read about how nightzookeeper.com is being used across a district.

Finally, here’s some great ideas for how to use your 14 day free trial.

Exciting New Features For Ipad

If you have any questions or issues, please leave us a comment below or email support@nightzookeeper.com.