Automatic Sales Tax Calculator

Instantly calculate tax with the help of a sales calculator or you can contact your state taxing authority. Local rates Some states also allow local areas like counties and small cities to set a sales tax rate. According to the 2018 vehicle data provided by Auto Alliance, the state of California made $5 billion on sales tax from new vehicles. The collection of sales tax from vehicles is $3 billion more.

The system will automatically calculate a total sales tax that includes state, county, and city taxes. The tax rate is determined based on the event's location and your default warehouse location. That rate is multiplied by the taxable amount for that order. Sometimes the taxable amount is different than the subtotal depending on whether all the rental items, staffing, and distance charges are set to taxable or not. You can configure which rental items are taxable, by modifying the price category that is attached to that item. In Settings->Delivery Methods, you can set whether distance charges are taxable.

Setup Taxcloud

TaxCloud is a service used to calculate and file your sales tax easily. There are two options when using TaxCloud with InflatableOffice: 1) calculate tax only and 2) calculate, report, and pay tax automatically. But in either case, you should create your own taxcloud account.

Automatic Sales Tax Calculator Paycheck Calculator

Quick Guide:

1) Register for a TaxCloud account at

2) Go to the account tab and then the locations section and add your business address.

3) Go to the websites section and add your website. When you do this, you will get an API ID and key. Enter those in Settings->Payment Options inside your InflatableOffice account. When you do this, InflatableOffice will attempt to communicate with TaxCloud and complete a test transaction to verify your account.

4) Now go to the Tax States section and click “Disable SSUTA”. This will prevent TaxCloud from reporting and filing your sales tax. If you want to have it report and file for you, you can set that option later after you are comfortable with it.

5) Go back to the Websites section and click the “Go Live” button.

Detailed Guide:

Create Your Account

Start by going and clicking on “Register Now” to create a TaxCloud account.

  • Enter your information, such as your name, company name, email address, the URL of your website, and choose Custom or Inflatable Office from the drop-down.
  • Agree to the Terms of Service: After you create your account, you’ll receive an email with a unique link to the TaxCloud Terms of Service. For security reasons, the link is time-sensitive, so it’s best to click on it as soon as possible.
  • Create a password: Passwords must be at least 6 characters long, contain only letters and numbers, and include at least one number.

Set Up Your Account Profile

  • Log in: Sign in on the TaxCloud website and you will be taken to the “Account Profile” tab.
  • Enter your company information: Enter your Federal Employer Identification Number or Social Security Number, choose the industry code for your type of business, and select the state where your company is incorporated.

Add Locations and Websites

On the “Locations” page, you can add retail stores, offices, and other physical locations. You will need to provide at least one physical location in order to use TaxCloud. If you don’t have a bricks-and-mortar store, add your office or home office.

On the “Websites” page, add your online store. You can add as many online stores as you like, but each needs to have a different URL. The website you provided during registration will be added automatically.

Select Product Tax Categories

Different categories of goods are taxed differently by different states. To make sure that an item is taxed correctly, you’ll need to assign it a taxability information code (TIC) through InflatableOffice. This is only needed if you are using Taxcloud to pay your sales tax.

As a backup, TaxCloud also lets you select a default tax category for your entire store. On the “Websites” page, each website panel lists a “Default TIC.” To assign a default TIC, click on the icon of overlapping squares. A new window appears that allows you to choose the tax category that most closely fits your online store.

Choose Where You Want to Collect Sales Tax

When you visit the “Tax States” page, you’ll see a map of the United States with states in different colors. If you will NOT be using Taxcloud to pay your sales tax then you will want to mark your state with “Disable SSUTA”.

  • Orange states are “nexus” states. Any state where you have a physical location is a “nexus” state. You are required by law to collect sales tax in these states, and TaxCloud automatically assigns nexus states based on the locations you provide on the “Locations” page.
  • Do you want to collect sales tax for all 24 SSUTA states (dark blue)? The first time you see the Tax States map, twenty-four states appear in dark blue. These states have adopted the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement (SSUTA), a set of guidelines that simplify sales tax collection for retailers. If you collect sales tax for all SSUTA states, TaxCloud can prepare and file your sales tax returns. If you don’t want to collect sales tax for all SSUTA states, click “Disable SSUTA” in the lower left corner.
  • Do you want to collect sales tax in some SSUTA states but not others? First click “Disable SSUTA” and then click on each state where you want to collect. As you select a state, it will appear in bright blue, indicating that you’re collecting sales tax there.
  • Where else do you want to collect sales tax? Click on any other state where you want to collect sales tax.

Add a Bank Account (optional)

If you’re collecting sales tax for SSUTA states (see #5 above), TaxCloud can prepare and file your sales tax returns for these states. But in order to send the sales tax you collect to the appropriate state, your TaxCloud account needs to be linked to a US-based bank account.

You can add your bank account information on the “Bank Information” page.

Go Live!

Log in to TaxCloud and go to the “Websites” page. When a website is ready to go live, a “Go Live!” button will appear in the upper left part of the panel.

Just click the “Go Live!” button, and you’re done! TaxCloud will now calculate sales tax for your website, keep detailed records of the sales tax collected, and more.

Tax rate warning

In the event that our system cannot find the correct tax rate, a warning will show next to the tax line item of a lead. If you hover over it, you will see the reason why. The most common reason is because the event address could not be properly located in the tax system. The system will try to use a nearby address or zip code to get the correct rate, but if it is unable to do so it will use a default tax rate.

Set a default tax rate and/or override automatic calculations

Go to Settings -> Distance Charges, click the State tab. Enter your state/province here, and the default tax rate for that state. If your state has multiple rates depending on the event location, we suggest setting it to the highest known rate for your state, then if you see a warning on a lead you'll know you may need to manually adjust that rate.

Turn off Sales Tax

Automatic Sales Tax Calculator Estimate

If you do not need to charge sales tax, you can go to Settings->General and disable sales tax completely.

How to set items to not be taxed

If you are allowing taxcloud to remit your taxes then you must set the Tax Category on the rental items, otherwise you will use the below:

Automatic Sales Tax Calculator 2019

Rental Items: Go to Settings->Price Categories

Distance Charges: Go to Settings->Delivery Methods.

Staffing: You will need to contact us. North Carolina and Illinois are set to not tax staffing fees


Setting a rental item’s price category as non-taxable

If staffed items are non-taxable

In certain states such as Idaho, items that are staffed vs non-staffed can also affect whether the item itself will be taxed. In this situation you will need to go to the pricing tab of an item and click add new (at the bottom-right of the prices, not the add new listed in the drop-down) and set a price for your staffed delivery method, and a price for your non-staffed delivery methods. You can set these different price categories to be taxed or untaxed.

Automatic Sales Tax Calculator Estimator

Promotions & Discounts

InflatableOffice keeps a hidden total of the nontaxable and taxable amounts for each lead. When there is a discount offered on an event, our system will first apply the discount towards the taxable total in order to help reduce tax liability. In the event that you have a discount that is larger than the taxable total on a lead, the system will show a tax rate on the event, but $0.00 for the tax.